Administratorii clădirilor publice și ai unităților comerciale vor reduce iluminatul interior al clădirilor cu cel puțin 30%, vor deconecta vitrinele, iluminatul decorativ și vor limita funcționarea scărilor rulante, se arată într-o decizie adoptată vineri în Republica Moldova.
The main conceptual idea of the text is that during a state of emergency in Moldova, new measures are being implemented to conserve energy. These measures include:
* Reducing interior lighting in public and commercial buildings by at least 30%.
* Turning off storefront lights and decorative lighting.
* Limiting the operation of escalators.
* Adjusting work schedules for energy-intensive industries to avoid peak hours.
* Encouraging people to avoid using elevators during peak hours.
* Regulating water pump operations to minimize energy consumption during peak hours.
These measures aim to ensure that consumers continue to have access to electricity and control energy usage during this critical period.
The main conceptual idea of the text is that during a state of emergency in Moldova, new measures are being implemented to conserve energy. These measures include: * Reducing interior lighting in public and commercial buildings by at least 30%. * Turning off storefront lights and decorative lighting. * Limiting the operation of escalators. * Adjusting work schedules for energy-intensive industries to avoid peak hours. * Encouraging people to avoid using elevators during peak hours. * Regulating water pump operations to minimize energy consumption during peak hours. These measures aim to ensure that consumers continue to have access to electricity and control energy usage during this critical period.